New Exercise and Fitness Review
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You should be hit with a sense of urgency as you strive toward your goals today. You’re already 2/3 of the way into the program!
When considering training techniques, remember that there’s a place for everything. Unilateral training—or training one side of the body at a time—has its advantages. If you feel like you’re slightly stronger on one side than the other or need to work on building your mind-muscle connection, doing one preacher curl at a time or doing a single-arm row on an incline bench could be beneficial. The next time you use both arms, you’ll feel the burn much more because you’ve carved out a neurological pathway.
Just be sure to choose exercises that don’t unnecessarily require too much core stabilization. If you go too heavy on a dumbbell curl, for example, you’ll be relying on your core for added stability and may unknowingly build your waist out—which could be hard to bring back down.
Day 54 Video
Watch The Video – 13:29
6 sets of 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 repsHammer Curl
6 sets of 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 repsBarbell Curl (neutral grip)
6 sets of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 repsLying Dumbbell Tricep Extension
6 sets of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 repsSuperset
Overhead Cable Curl
3 sets of 30, 20, 10 repsTriceps Pushdown – Rope Attachment
3 sets of 30, 20, 10 repsCable Preacher Curl
3 sets of 10, 20, 30 repsBench Dips
3 sets of 10, 20, 30 repsDecline Reverse Crunch
6 sets of 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 repsExercise Ball Pull-In
3 sets of 10, 20, 30Cardio
15-minute intervals: 3 min. easy, 1 min. hard
Workout Notes
Supersetting biceps and triceps ensures that you’re getting plenty of blood into that area. The combination of volume, intensity, and heavy weight will help break down muscle fiber.
Elevate your feet on the dumbbell bench for dips in order to switch the center of gravity from your legs to your arms and put more weight on your triceps.
During skullcrushers, incline the bench slightly in order to hit the long head and get a better contraction with the dumbbells.
During lying-down dumbbell triceps extensions, don’t keep the weight directly above your head. Keep it slightly behind in order to keep tension on the muscle and get a good squeeze out of the triceps.
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Kris Gethin"s Muscle-Building Trainer, Day 54
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