Wednesday 14 January 2015


New Exercise and Fitness Review

Well, I’ve been sponsoring WCBB because it’s a fantastic site. Bass and this community are awesome. Though, I’m not here much at all, I do check in and enjoy reading, luuuuurking, and playing the word games.

I’m renewing my sponsorship ASAP for another six months because I value and what basskiller has built here. And, of course, I also love Species Nutrition.

Dave Palumbo may get his share of Internet hate, but he has a great supplement company and he employed me as a proofreader of most of their articles until recently, as the strength editor for six months (check out the interviews I was a part of — Profiles in Power, The Strength Series, and more), and I’m still taking a big part in their forums section. So I value Dave, his supplement company, and Rx Muscle for those reasons and more.

Palumbo really does do the best interviews in this industry — physique, fitness, and bodybuilding.

Going to fix my banners ASAP, too. Believe they’re hosted on Photobucket. The one link is to my YouTube channel which I’ve neglected for at least a year and the other is to the Species Nutrition site.

Happy New Year to anyone who may have stumbled in here (or, yeah, chosen to click this thread).

World Class Bodybuilding Forum


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